Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - Destination B1 (Unit 6: Vocabulary - Learning and doing))

Topic vocabulary

achieve (v) to succeed in doing or having something We’ve achieved what we wanted to do.
brain (n) the organ inside your head that allows you to think and feel, and controls your body The illness had affected his brain.
clever (adj) good at learning or understanding things I’d like to be a doctor, but I'm not clever enough.
concentrate (v) to give all your attention to the thing that you are doing Just concentrate on your work.
consider (v) to think about something carefully before you make a decision At one time I seriously considered leaving.
course (n) a series of lessons in an academic subject or a practical skill You could do a language course abroad.

degree (n) a course of study at a university, or the qualification that you get after completing the course She's doing a degree at Exeter University.
experience (v) if you experience a problem or situation, you have that problem or are in that situation I'd love to experience being in a submarine.
experience (n) knowledge and skill that you get by doing a particular job or activity Do you have any previous experience with children?
expert (n) someone who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject She’s a computer expert.
expert (adj) having special skills in or knowledge about something He's an expert painter.
fail (v) to be unsuccessful in something I failed the maths exam.

guess (v) to say or decide what you think is true, without being certain about it Whoever guesses correctly will win two tickets to the show.
guess (n) an occasion when you say what you think is true without being certain Have a guess and then check it on your calculator.
hesitate (v) to pause before doing something because you are nervous or not certain about it He hesitated for a moment and then knocked on the door.
instruction (n) a statement of something that must be done, or an explanation of how to do or use something I tried to follow her instructions, but I got confused.
make progress (v phr) to develop or improve My guitar teacher says I'm making a lot of progress.
make sure (v phr) to check something, so that you can be sure about it I just wanted to make sure you knew where to go.

mark (v) to judge the quality of a student’s work and write a mark on it I spent the evening marking essays.
mark (n) a score or grade that you are given for school work or for how you perform in a competition What mark did you get for your essay?
mental (adj) existing in the mind, or relating to the mind Scientists know a lot about the mental development of children.
pass (v) to be successful in an examination or test She passed her driving test.
qualification (n) something such as a degree or a diploma that you get when you successfully finish a course of study Simon left school with no qualifications
remind (v) to help someone to remember something Remind Jenny to bring my CD when she comes.

report (n) a spoken or written description of a particular subject, situation, or event We have to write a short report on the conference.
revise (v) to study your notes and information again in order to prepare for an examination I've got a test tomorrow, so I have to revise tonight.
search (v) to try to find something or someone by looking carefully After three days searching, I gave up.
search (n) an attempt to find something The police have carried out an extensive search of the area.
skill (n) the ability to do something well, usually as a result of experience and training Being a doctor demands a lot of skill.
smart (adj) intelligent Sophie is a very smart student.

subject (n) Something that you learn or teach at a school, for example English, mathematics, or biologys What's your favourite subject?
take an exam (v phr) to have an important test I’m taking the exam in June.
talented (adj) very good at something She's a talented singer.
term (n) one of the periods of time that the year is divided into for students Huw many weeks is it till the end of term?
wonder (v) to think about something because you want to know more facts I was wondering about the best place for a holiday

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