Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - Destination B2 ((Unit 21: Grammar - Reported speech / reported questions / reporting verbs))

Reported speech: time and place changes

With reported speech, we also usually have to change words and phrases connected to time and place.
These changes include:

Direct speech Reported speech Example
here there 'I usually shop here,'said Tim. Tim said he usually shopped there.
now/at the moment then /at that moment. 'I'm shopping at the moment,'said Tim. Tim said he was shopping then/at that moment.
tomorrow the next/following day 'I'm going shopping tomorrow,'said Tim. Tim said he was going shopping the next/following day.
tonight that night 'I'm going shopping tonight,'said Tim. Tim said he was going shopping that night.
next week/month/year the following week/month/year 'I'm going shopping next week,'said Tim. Tim said he was going shopping the following week.
yesterday the day before/the previous day 'I went shopping yesterday,'said Tim. Tim said he'd been shopping the day before/the previous day.
last week/month/ year the week/month/year before
the previous week/month/year
'I went shopping last week,'said Tim. Tim said he'd been shopping the week before/the previous week.
ago before/previously 'I went shopping two days ago,'said Tim. Tim said he'd been shopping two days before/previously.

Watch out!
We do not need to make any changes to time words/phrases when the information is still true at the moment of speaking/writing.
✓ 'I'm going shopping tomorrow,'said Tim to Ben. Ben immediately called Lizzie and said, 'Tim said he's going shopping tomorrow.'

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