Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - Destination C1 and C2 ((Unit 15: Grammar - Adjectives and adverbs))

Structures used to make comparisons

(nearly/almost/just/half/twice/easily/etc) as ... as Platinum is about twice as expensive as gold.
not (nearly/quite) as/so ... as Iron isn't nearly as hard as diamond.
nothing like as ... as/ nowhere near as ... as Iron is nothing like as/ nowhere near as hard as diamond.
the ... , the ... The taller the building, the greater the fire risk.

Watch out!
✓ Paper is not nearly as strong as plastic. (large difference between the things being referred to)
✓ Gold is not quite as valuable as it was last month. (small difference between the things being referred to)

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