Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - Destination C1 and C2 (Unit 14: Vocabulary - Quantity and money))

Phrases, patterns and collocations

big make a big thing out of, make it big, big on, big of sb (to do), great big, big business, big-headed, big-hearted, Big Bang, big name, big money, big game
deal deal in, deal with, deal a blow to, make a big deal (out) of, cut/make/reach/strike a deal (with), get/have a good deal (on), big deal, a good/great deal of
depth in depth, to/at a depth of, hidden depths, the depths of, out of your depth
fat get/grow fat (on), fat chance, a fat lot of good/help/use
high look/search high and low, high risk of, high priority, in high spirits, high finance, high time, on a high, a new/alltime/record high, high tech, high street
large (as) large as life, at large, in large measure/part, larger than life, large-scale
length go to great/any/etc lengths, run the length (and breadth) of, of (un)equal length, in length, (for any) length of time, at (some/great) length
load load sth with/into, take a load off (your feet), a (whole) load of, loads of, a heavy load to bear/carry
long take a long hard look at, at long last, long way, in the long run/term, long time no see, as/so long as, longdistance, all day/week/etc long
lot that's your lot, have a lot on, lots of, a lot of, an awful lot, a lot on your mind, the lot, sb's lot (in life)
money make/earn/spend/cost/etc money, get your money's worth, put your money where your mouth is, pay good money for, made of money, for my money
pay pay dearly for, pay sb a compliment, pay your way, pay your (last) respects to, pay the penalty/price for, it pays to, pay rise, pay and display, pay freeze, take-home pay
poor (come a) poor second, poor loser, poor girl/boy/etc, poor relation, a poor man's sth
rich rich in, filthy/stinking rich, rich and famous, (the) rich and (the) poor
share share with/between/among, share and share alike, share in/of, shareholder, share index, share option, share-out
short (run) short of, (have a) short temper/fuse, draw/get the short straw, make short work of, a short while/ period/spell, at short notice, short and sweet, shortlist
size that's about the size of it, cut sth to size, in size, full size, size of, downsize
small feel/look small, (it's a) small world, in a/some/no small way, with a small 'c'/etc, small change, small hours, small screen, small talk
thin have a thin skin, skating on thin ice, out of/from/into thin air, thin on the ground, thin on top
weak weak at the knees, weak on, on weak ground, weak argument, weak point/spot, weak-willed

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