Easy Word | Luyện ngữ pháp

Luyện ngữ pháp - )

Complete these sentences with hardly + any/anybody/anything/anywhere/ever.

  1. I'll have to go shopping. There's (1) to eat.
  2. It was a very warm day and there was (2) wind.
  3. 'Do you know much about computers?' 'No, (3) .'
  4. The hotel was almost empty. There was (4) staying there.
  5. I listen to the radio a lot, but I (5) watch television.
  6. Our new boss is not very popular. (6) likes her.
  7. It was very crowded in the room. There was (7) to sit.
  8. We used to be good friends, but we (8) see each other now.
  9. It was nice driving this morning. There was (9) traffic.
  10. I hate this town. There's (10) to do and (11) to go.

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