Section 2 exam practice: part 2
Practice activity 3.2: text 1
Questions 15-21
Time yourself and try the next set of texts and questions for part 2. What are the text types?
What question types are they? After you finish, check your answers in the Answer Key.
Look at the community course options A-G in text 1. For which options are the following
statements true? Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.
Note: you may use any letter more than once.
- This is an evening course over a number of weeks.
- This course teaches how food style has changed over time.
- This course is taught by an acknowledged 'master' in his field.
- This course is designed for beginners as well as the more experienced, and for all age groups.
- This course involves direct food preparation.
- This course involves food, but there is no direct preparation by participants.
- This skill may be useful in the workplace.
Learn how people in the Middle Ages
cooked and what food they ate, while
enjoying lunch prepared in the style of
that age. There was a time before the
great blandification of the English diet,
a time when dishes made with tasty
spice mixtures combined with sweet
ingredients were not exotic fare from
India, Lebanon or Morocco, but were the
familiar experience of the English elite.
Tuesday 11 Oct 12 noon-2pm $99
Never picked up a brush before? No
worries! The lecturer will simplify the
watercolour processes with step-by-step
demonstrations and instructions. You'll
be encouraged, inspired and guided in
the basic watercolour techniques by this
excellent introduction to watercolour for
the complete beginner, with all materials
Saturday 24 Sep 10am-4pm $219
For people who never dreamed they
could play. Experience this remarkable
Australian-developed piano and keyboard
program that has you playing greatsounding music immediately. This unique
method is taught easily and lends itself to
a group environment. Recommended for
absolute beginners as well as those with
some prior experience, and suitable for
adults, seniors and teens. Keyboards are
Saturday 3 Sep 9.30am-12 noon $149
OR Friday 7 Oct 9.30am-12 noon $149
Produce the best honey you've ever tasted!
We'll take you through the history and
logistics of beekeeping, and teach you how
to keep production hives in your backyard
with an acknowledged master in the field.
Weekend of 29/30 Oct (see web for
details) $149
There's nothing like taking a home-made
camembert to a dinner party or preparing
gorgeous desserts with your own
preservative-free cheeses. In this handson workshop with the Cheese Maker
you will learn how to make wonderful
gourmet cheeses: camembert, blue
camembert and other variations, cream
cheese, quark and mascarpone. Come
and have fun learning the rustic art of
home cheese-making. Tastings, lunch,
morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Saturday 29 Oct 1Oam-4.30pm $229
This hands-on workshop will help you
to present to groups, big or small, with
confidence. Topics cover all stages of
the presentation process, connecting
with your audience, making nerves your
friend and dealing with the unexpected.
Wednesdays from 26 Oct 6.30-9pm
(3 weeks) $289
One of the world's oldest beverages,
beer has been around for almost 6000
years. Try international beers brewed
to century-old techniques, and discover
why beer is such a great match for
food. Includes matching gourmet
Sunday 25 Sep 1-3.30pm $99
Source: University of Western Australia
Practice activity 3.2: text 2
Questions 22-28
Do the statements given below agree with the information given in the passage? In boxes 22-28 on your answer sheet write:
- TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
- FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
- NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this.
- You can turn up and wait to see a doctor.
- You can have a pregnancy test at the centre.
- It is never possible to see a doctor before 8:30 am.
- Annual check-ups are advisable in the case of kidney disease.
- Test results can be sent to you by email.
- The centre can help you with your holiday medical needs.
- There will always be a person at the clinic to take your call.
The Acton Community Health Centre seeks to assist the local community and businesses
with their health-care needs. The centre offers high standards of care in general practice as
well as specialists in travel medicine and occupational health. This expertise offers solutions
for local communities, local businesses and employers, medical specialists and insurers.
Services available
- preventative services such as immunisations, well woman examinations and physicals
- blood tests
- treatment of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension and heart disease
- pregnancy testing and antenatal care
- specialised medicals: diving, commercial drivers, aviation and insurance medicals.
Office hours, appointments and physician referrals
New patients may schedule an appointment by calling (317) 555-2611, extension 3310. Office
hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, although some doctors may see patients as
early as 7:30 am. Established patients should contact their doctor's secretary for a convenient
appointment time or to obtain test results.
After-hours care
Patients needing urgent medical attention when the centre is closed may contact their physician by calling the main clinic telephone number: (317) 555-2611. The clinic's answering
service will then contact the physician on call. While it is not usual for doctors to make home
visits, in an emergency, such a visit is possible.
Preventive medicine
Acton Health Centre has a strong commitment to preventive medicine. The College of
General Practitioners recommends checkups according to the following schedule:
*Minimum frequency; more often for some at-risk groups
**For general population; earlier checks necessary for some at-risk groups
Now score your results for practice activity 3.2 and consider these questions:
- How many questions did I get right per text?
- How long did I need this time per text?
- Which type of text or question did I make most errors on? Why?
- What could I do differently next time?