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Practice activity 4.2

Question type matching activity (type 2)

Testing main idea

Main ideas are also tested through a second type of matching activity. This is identifying which sections match statements in a List. This type of matching question involves a different strategy. The statements are paraphrases of the main ideas in each section. Do note that this type of question can also be used to test understanding of detail.
What do you need to do?
  • Step 1 Quickly survey the text - look at the title, and any other clues, read the first and last paragraph, look at the overall organisation of the text, read the first line of every paragraph.
  • Step 2 Read the statements in the questions first, noting key words.
  • Step 3 Skim the sections to find the one that seems to match the statement. It is not necessary to read every word.

Optional: transfer your answers now to the answer sheet. Check spelling and grammatical accuracy as you go.

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