1. port (n)
/ pɔːrt/
a town by the sea or by a river that has a harbour, or the harbour itself
2. inhabit (v)
/ ɪnˈhæb.ɪt/
ở, sống ở
to live in a place
3. aboard (adv)
trên tàu
on or onto a ship, aircraft, bus, or train
4. bitter (adj)
chua cay, gay gắt, ác liệt, quyết liệt
expressing a lot of hate and anger
5. bullet (n)
viên đạn
a small, metal object that is shot from a gun
6. devil (n)
ác quỷ
an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns
7. drift (v)
trôi dạt, bị (gió, dòng nước...) cuốn đi
to move slowly, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction
8. enforce (v)
thực thi, thi hành
to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted
9. fountain (n)
đài phun nước
a stream of water that is forced up into the air through a small hole, especially for decorative effect, or the structure in a lake or pool from which this flows
10. harbor (n)
hải cảng, bến cảng
an area of water along a shore where boats land
11. march (v)
hành quân, tuần hành
a walk, especially by a group of soldiers all walking with the same movement and speed
12. millionaire (n)
nhà triệu phú
a person who has at least a million dollars
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