kết nối
to let a caller communicate with someone else
2. psychologist (n)
/ saɪˈkɑː.lə.dʒɪst/
nhà tâm lý học
someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behaviour, and how different situations have an effect on people
3. clear (adj)
/ klɪr/
rõ, trong
easy to understand, hear, read, or see
4. contribute (v)
đóng góp, góp phần
To give something, particularly money, in order to provide or achieve something with others
5. express (v)
/ ɪkˈspres/
diễn tả ,biểu lộ, bày tỏ
to show a feeling,opinion, or fact
6. find out (vp)
tìm ra, tìm hiểu thêm
to get some information about something/somebody by asking, reading, etc
7. influence (v)
/ ˈɪn.flu.əns/
ảnh hưởng đến
to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks
8. purchase (n)
/ ˈpɝː.tʃəs/
việc mua
the act of buying something
9. recommend (v)
/ ˌrek.əˈmend/
khuyên bảo
to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done
10. researcher (n)
/ rɪˈsɝː.tʃɚ/
nhà nghiên cứu
someone who studies a subject, especially in order to discover new information or reach a new understanding
11. review (n)
/ rɪˈvjuː/
sự xem lại, sự đánh giá
the act of considering something again in order to make changes to it, give an opinion of it or study it
12. social (adj)
/ ˈsoʊ.ʃəl/
xã hội
relating to activities in which you meet and spend time with other people and that happen during the time when you are not working
13. spread (v)
/ spred/
trải ra, phết lên
to cover or reach a wider or increasing area, or to make something do this
14. study (n)
/ ˈstʌd.i/
sự học hỏi, nghiên cứu
the activity of examining a subject in detail in order to discover new information
15. trend (n)
khuynh hướng
a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing
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