1. tournament (n)
cuộc đấu, giải đấu
a competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played, and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left
2. resist (v)
/ rɪˈzɪst/
kháng cự, chống lại
to fight against something or someone that is attacking you
3. advertising (n)
/ ˈæd.vɚ.taɪ.zɪŋ/
sự quảng cáo
the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services
4. commitment (n)
/ kəˈmɪt.mənt/
sự cam kết
a promise or firm decision to do something
5. superior (adj)
vượt trội
better than average or better than other people or things of the same type
6. award (n)
phần thưởng, giải thưởng
a prize someone gets for doing something well
7. inferior (adj)
kém cỏi
not good, or not as good as someone or something else
8. cemetery (n)
nghĩa trang
an area of ground in which dead bodies are buried
9. loyal (adj)
trung thành
firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles
10. boast (v)
khoe khoang
to talk about how good you are
11. pond (n)
an area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made
12. shame (n)
xấu hổ
a bad feeling about things you have done wrong
13. devastate (v)
tàn phá, phá hủy
to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage
14. moan (v)
than vãn, rền rĩ
to make a low sound when feeling pain or sadness
15. destiny (n)
vận mạng, số phận
all the things that happen or will happen to a person in their life
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