Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Easy American Idioms - (Lesson 1 : My Toe Is Killing Me!)

To be tied up with something or someone: To be busy.
To be killing someone: To be very painful.
A beauty: A very good or vivid example of something; in this case, a really good example of a bad injury.
To do a number on something: To damage, destroy, or hurt something badly.
A surefire way to do something: A way that will definitely have a certain outcome or result.
To live something down: To be allowed to forget about an embarrassing situation. This is used in the negative—to never or not live something down. A common way you’ll hear this expression is the phrase “I’ll never live this down!”
To outdo yourself: To do something very well. To do better thanyou normally do. Note that this expression is often used in a sarcastic way.
A tall order: An unusually difficult request.
To be out of the question: To be impossible to accomplish.
To be back in the saddle: To return to your normal activities, especially after an illness or injury. To be back in control of your normal activities.
To handle something: To cope with or manage a situation.
To be a piece of cake: To be very easy.
To take it easy: To do things slowly and carefully, without tiring yourself.
To baby someone or something: To treat very carefully and with great sensitivity.
To keep an eye on: To watch carefully.
To get in touch with: To contact, to talk to someone.
To drop by: To visit someone.
To follow up on something: To address or check on a situation later.

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