And you thought being pregnant was fun! Just wait until you bring home that little bundle of joy. Now the fun really starts. Infants can be very funny: imagine seeing your adorable little baby dribbling pureed spinach down his cute little chin! Haha!
No matter how much planning you do in advance, your life will change forever the moment you bring home your sweet little newborn. Suddenly, instead of wondering what shoes to buy at the mall, you’re looking at cute, tiny baby socks for a layette. If you’re lucky, some friends may have a baby shower for you. This is another time when some people set up a registry at a store so that friends will know exactly what items you need for the baby. And believe us, you’ll need plenty of items! Be sure to include larger-size baby clothes on the list. Those tiny newborns grow really quickly.
Okay, let’s think about this. You go into the hospital as a large mom-to-be. You come out of the hospital a little smaller, but with an entirely new person! This little person needs to be dressed when he or she leaves the hospital with you. You’ll need blankets, diapers, onesies, socks, tee shirts, baby soap, a car seat—and that’s just for the first day! Plus you’ll probably need a diaper bag to tote all that stuff! The good news is that you may not have to worry about food.
One of the first decisions a new mother will make is how to feed her infant. Although there was a generation of babies in the United States that was bottle-fed, most people now believe that breast feeding is the healthiest choice for babies. The nutrition is perfect (after all, isn’t that what human breasts are for?), and many doctors believe that breast milk contains elements that can keep the baby from getting sick. But for women who cannot, or who choose not to, breast-feed, there are many choices for infant formula on the market. These formulas try to be as similar to breast milk as possible so that babies will get the proper nutrients.
You may have chosen a pediatrician before giving birth. This is the doctor who will take care of the baby, usually until he becomes an older teenager. (Teenager already? Aaaack! He just arrived!) The pediatrician will answer all questions you may have about the best way to handle baby problems that may arise. One very common problem is colic. The baby may cry for several hours a day for no apparent reason. This may be because of stomach pain or fussiness.
Whatever the cause, a fussy baby can be very frustrating for new parents, so it’s very important to take care of yourself. The more rested you are, the more patience you’ll have when you’re trying to soothe a crying baby. They may be cute, but babies are hard work, so you should avoid as much extra stress as you can. Does everyone want to visit so they can see the new baby? Plan certain times when this is convenient for you and when you have help. Are there dust bunnies under the bed? Just don’t look at them! Don’t worry about having a spotless house—a happy mom and baby are more important. (Of course, some very special friends may decide to get you a cleaning service. Wow! We want those friends!)
As the baby gets a little older, you’ll need to be sure the house is baby-proofed. Once the little one starts crawling around, there should be nothing in his reach that can hurt him. Electrical outlets should be covered. Tables should be cleared of anything a baby can grab. Sharp corners should be protected. You can find plenty of tips on the Internet to help you prepare the house for your growing baby.
But the most important tip of all is this: Enjoy every minute you have with your baby! What everyone says is true: The baby years go by in a flash. When he’s a teenager driving you crazy, you’ll need all those photos and videos to remember the sweet baby days!
ALAN: Wow, is that really you, Lia? I haven’t seen you in ages! How’s the baby?
LIA: Ha! Yeah, Alan, I don’t get out much these days. I had forgotten how much work a new baby is! In fact, when Tony came home from work tonight, I told him I just had to get out of the house for an hour or so. I’ve been cooped up since the baby was born. Besides, we’re almost out of diapers—that would be a disaster!
ALAN: So you’re here at the supermarket for a fun night out! Ha, ha, ha! That’s so funny! Boy, times have changed. You didn’t use to go grocery shopping for an exciting night out.
LIA: No kidding. It seems like just yesterday that we used to go to the movies and clubs to have fun. Now fun is going to buy diapers and pureed peas.
ALAN: Hahahahaha! That really is funny! Yeah, I guess what they say is true: Parenthood will change your life.
Tip 3 |
In the old days, new moms would carry their babies home from the hospital in their arms—even in the car. However, now every state in the country has laws requiring that babies be in a car seat every time they’re in a car. There are different car seat types for each age and weight. Be sure to find the right one for a newborn. |
Tip 4 |
(It may be Tip 4, but it’s all about twos!) The Terrible Twos! Toddlers are so famous for tantrums and whining that they even have a name for it. Be sure you have a plan for staying calm when the little ones are not. Good luck! |
Tip 5 |
Fun and funny are very tricky words for English language learners. Something that you enjoy doing is fun. Reading our book is fun. Something that makes you laugh (haha) is funny. Watching a baby dribble his pureed peas is funny (haha). |
adorable: very, very cute
apparent: clear
baby-proofed: made safe for a crawling baby
baby shower: a party where friends give gifts that a new baby will need
bottle-fed: fed milk or formula from a special baby bottle
breast feeding: feeding the new baby breast milk from the mother
bundle of joy: a new baby
colic: upset for a baby that may be caused by stomach pain
crawling: moving around on hands and knees
cooped up: feel closed in a small space for too long
dribbling: spilling from the mouth
dust bunnies: small gatherings of dust
elements: ingredients
formula: special milk for babies that is made to be like mother’s breast milk
fussy: upset; cranky; irritable
get out of the house: have a change in a boring house routine by going out
grab: take and hold
in a flash: really fast
in ages: in a long time
infant: a very young baby
layette: the first clothes a baby needs
newborn: a new baby
night out: a special night doing something different or fun
nutrients: things in food that the body needs
nutrition: the food that the body needs
onesies: special one-piece baby clothes
or so: approximately; about
out of: not having something
parenthood: being a mother or father
patience: ability to stay calm under stress
pediatrician: a doctor who takes care of babies and children
pureed: food processed in a blender until food is like a thick liquid or paste
similar: like
soothe: comfort
tantrum: a fit of anger by an upset child
Terrible Twos: the age (around two years) when little ones are famous for being difficult
toddler: a young child, just starting to walk
whining: complaining with an annoying, long, questioning sound
wondering: thinking about