Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent ((Unit 132 : Homophones))

Homophones are words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and meaning. Make sure you pronounce the second (and sometimes third) word the same as the first word, even though they look different.

  1. Adam–atom
  2. air–err–heir
  3. aloud–allowed
  4. altar–alter
  5. ant–aunt
  6. ate–eight
  7. band-banned
  8. bare–bear
  9. base–bass
  10. be–bee
  11. beat–beet
  12. berry–bury
  13. billed–build
  14. blew–blue
  15. board–bored
  16. brake–break
  17. buy–by–bye
  18. caller–collar
  19. cell–sell
  20. cent–sent–scent
  21. chili–chilly–Chile
  22. chews–choose
  23. cite–site –sight
  1. close–clothes
  2. core-corps
  3. course–coarse
  4. dear–deer
  5. die–dye
  6. do–due–dew
  7. finish–Finnish
  8. feudal–futile
  9. flea–flee
  10. flew–flu
  11. flower–flour
  12. for–four
  13. Greece–grease
  14. guest–guessed
  15. gym–Jim
  16. heal–heel–he’ll
  17. hear–here
  18. him–hymn
  19. hire–higher
  20. hole–whole
  21. I–eye
  22. I’ll–isle–aisle
  23. in–inn
  1. lessen–lesson
  2. maid –made
  3. mail–male
  4. meat–meet
  5. metal–medal
  6. new–knew
  7. nose–knows
  8. not–knot
  9. nun–none
  10. oh–owe
  11. one–won
  12. our–hour
  13. pail–pale
  14. pair–pare
  15. past–passed
  16. peace–piece
  17. profit–prophet
  18. rain–rein–reign
  19. red–read
  20. right–write
  21. ring–wring
  22. road–rode–rowed
  23. roll–role
  1. root–route
  2. sail–sale
  3. sea–see
  4. seam–seem
  5. seas–sees–seize
  6. seen–scene
  7. seller–cellar
  8. side–sighed
  9. so–sow–sew
  10. some–sum
  11. son–sun
  12. steal–steel
  13. sweet–suite
  14. tail–tale
  15. there–their–they’re
  16. tie–Thai
  17. to–too–two
  18. tow–toe
  19. weather–whether
  20. wheel–we’ll
  21. wore–war
  22. worn–warn

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