Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 121 : Contractions)

Employee Meeting

a. Hi Tom. I’ve got a question. What time’s our meeting?
b. It’ll start at five.
a. Oh great. I’m glad I’ll be able to make it. Who’s coming?
b. Let’s see… Bob’ll be there, John’ll be there and I’ll be there, but Mary won’t make it. She’s out of town.
a. How about Nick?
b. He can’t make it. He said he would’ve come if he’d known about it earlier.
a. Is Vivian coming?
b. She said she’d like to make it, but she’s got a lot of work to do.
a. It’ll only last an hour, won’t it?
b. Yes, we’d better keep it short. Everybody’ll want to go home by six o’clock.

In the Restaurant

a. I’ve been looking forward to eating here.
b. Me too. Everyone’s been talking about this place.
a. What’re you gonna order?
b. I’m hungry. I think I’d like some meat tonight.
c. Hi folks. I’ll be your waitress. Ready to order?
b. Yes, we’re ready.
c. Great. What’ll it be?
b. She’ll have chicken and I’ll have steak. And we’ll both have a glass of red wine.
c. Is that it?
b. That’ll be all.
c. Got it. Your food’ll be ready in a few minutes.

Forgotten Birthday

a. It was my birthday two weeks ago.
b. Oh, I must’ve been too busy to look at my calendar. You should’ve told me. We could’ve celebrated together. I would’ve taken you out to dinner. Or I could’ve at least baked you a cake.

Song Lyrics for Practice

“After You’ve Gone”

After you've gone—and left me crying
After you've gone—there's no denying
You'll feel blue—you're gonna be sad
You've missed the dearest pal that you ever had

There'll come a time—don't forget it
There'll come a time—when you'll regret it
Some day when you’ll grow lonely
Your heart will break like mine—you'll want me only

After you've gone—after you've gone away

(by Creamer/Layton)

Title - Practice with Contractions: Common Expressions

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