Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 124 : Casual Versus Formal Speech)

Casual speech is used in an informal setting with friends and acquaintances. In casual situations, we are sometimes less careful with pronunciation and grammar. Remember, just like with contractions, there are rules to casual speech. Don’t assume that you can randomly reduce any sounds that you feel like reducing. Doing this will only make your speech sound more foreign or more difficult to understand.

Casual speech has certain characteristics that distinguish it from formal speech. These are the main ones:

A. Sentences are shortened and grammar is simplified.

sounds like:
1. Do you want to go? “Wanna go?”
2. You’d better do it. “You better do it.”

B. Speakers are less careful about pronouncing every consonant.

sounds like:
1. probably “probly”
2. I don’t know “I dunno”
3. remember “member”
4. going “goin”
5. until “til”
6. because “cuz”

C. Slang is more acceptable.

1. I need five dollars. “I need five bucks.”
2. I don’t have any money. “I’m broke.”

Title - Rules and Patterns of Casual Speech

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