Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 131 : Words with Silent Letters)

The chart below highlights many common words that have a letter that is not pronounced.

silent b bomb, debt, limb, thumb, crumb, doubt, numb, tomb, climb, dumb, plumber, comb, lamb, subtle
silent c indict, muscle
silent ch yacht
silent d adjective, adjust, handsome, Wednesday
silent g align, campaign, diaphragm, resign, assign, champagne, foreign, sign, benign, design, reign
silent gh bright, fight, light, bought, fought, night, caught, height, weigh, drought, high, weight
silent h ghost, heir, honest, hour, honor, herb, vehicle, exhibit
silent k knee, knife, know, knot
silent l calm, folk, psalm, talk, chalk, half, salmon, walk, could, Lincoln, should, would
silent n hymn, autumn, column
silent p cupboard, pneumonia, psalm, psychology, psychic, receipt
silent s aisle, debris, island, Arkansas, Illinois
silent t ballet, Chevrolet, mortgage, gourmet, bouquet, Christmas, often, debut, buffet, fasten, whistle, soften, castle, listen, fillet, rapport
silent th asthma, months,* clothes*
silent w answer, sword, toward

*You will hear some Americans lightly pronounce the th sound when saying these words but most just omit it.

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