Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 27 : Review of /I/ and /i/ Sounds)

1 a. Iit difficult? b. No, it’s unbelievably easy.
2. a. I feeill. b. Drink some green tea.
3. a. Please meet me for dinner. b. I will be there at six.
4. a. Iit expensive? b. No, iisn’t. It’s really cheap.
5. a. I need a refill of these pills. b. Speak with your physician.
6. a. Is he still really sick? b. No, he’s just feeling a little weak.
7. a. Thiis completely different. b. But iiinteresting, isn’t it?

Title - Review of /I/ and /i/ Sounds Title - Practice Paragraph

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