Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 70 : Verbs and Nouns and the Letter s)

a. Do you still use/z/ this?
b. No, I have no use/s/ for it any more.
a. Where will they house/z/ their guests?
b. They have a guest house/s/.
a. Does he abuse/z/ drugs?
b. Yes, he’s getting help for his drug abuse/s/.
a. Please excuse/z/ me.
b. I don’t accept your excuse/s/.
a. Would you close/z/ the door?
b. You do it. You’re close/s/ to it.
a. Can you advise/z/ me on this?
b. Sure, I can give you some advice/s/.

Title - Verbs and Nouns and the Letter s Title - Practice Sentences

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