Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 81 : Noun and Verb Pairs)

The following pairs of nouns and verbs are spelled the same but pronounced differently because of changing syllable stress. Make sure you reduce the vowel in the unstressed syllable. First you will hear the noun, and then the verb.

1. addict addict
2. conduct conduct
3. conflict conflict
4. contest contest
5. convert convert
6. convict convict
7. defect defect
8. desert desert
9. increase increase
10. insult insult
11. object object
12. present present
13. produce produce
14. progress progress
15. rebel rebel
16. record record
17. research research
18. subject subject
19. suspect suspect

Note: Some of the above words have completely different meanings in the verb and noun forms.

Title - Practice Sentences

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