Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Mastering the American Accent - (Unit 86 : Syllable Stress Changes)

When a word changes from a noun to a verb or to an adjective or adverb, frequently the stress placement changes as well. Listen to these common words that non-native speakers tend to mispronounce (read across).

1. politics political politician
2. photograph photographic photography
3. compete competitive competition
4. economy economical economize
5. democrat democracy democratic
6. family familiar familiarity
7. necessary necessarily necessity
8. hospital hospitality hospitable
9. origin originality original
10. mechanic mechanism mechanical
11. define definition definitely
12. vary variety variation
13. courage courageous  
14. probably probability  
15. geography geographic  
16. memory memorial  
17. Canada Canadian  
18. ignore ignorance

Title - Sentence Pairs for Practice

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