Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 19: Checking Into a Hotel)

as a rule
→ in general; usually
Example: As a rule, Betty doesn't answer her telephone after 10 p.m.
(to) check in
→ to register (such as at a hotel or conference)
Example: Let's check in to our hotel first, and then go out and explore the city.
(to) earn points
→ to earn credit towards a future purchase (when talking about promotions offered by companies)
Example: Allison joined Delta's frequent flier program and started earning points.
I do apologize (for that)
→ I'm very sorry (said to a customer)
Example: Your order arrived a week late? I do apologize for that.
Note: The "do" in this expression is optional. It makes the apology stronger or more polite.
junk mail
→ unwanted mail, usually selling or advertising something
Example: My mailbox was full today, but it was almost all junk mail.
just my luck
→ what bad luck
Example: I arrived two minutes late to the airport and missed my flight. Just my luck!
(to) make a racket
→ to make a lot of noise
Example: We couldn't sleep because the people in the hotel room next door were making a racket all night.
(to) pull up a reservation
→ to find a reservation on the computer; to call up the file with the reservation
Example: "Hello, I'd like to change my flight for next Friday." - "Please give me your last name and I'll pull up our reservation."
(to) reek of
→ to smell badly of something (often smoke or alcohol)
Example: This pillow reeks of smoke. Please bring me a fresh one.
rewards program
→ a promotional program designed to get customers to use a company's product or service more often
Example: Paula earned a free one-week stay at a Marriott through the hotel's rewards program.
special offer
→ a promotional offer; a discount on a particular product or service, usually for a limited time
Example: The restaurant is running a special offer. Buy one meal at full price and get the second one free.
worth one's while
→ deserving of one's time or effort
Example: If you 're in Manhattan, I suggest you visit the Guggenheim Museum. It'll be worth your while.
→ a noisy area; chaos
Example: Thousands of people go to Times Square in New York to celebrate New Year's Eve. It's a zoo!

Quick Quiz - Practice The Expressions -

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