Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 6: Complaining at a Restaurant)

Turn the following phrases into requests, using the words in parentheses:

drive me to work tomorrow ( would you mind)
Answer: Would you mind driving me to work tomorrow?

  1. feed our dogs while we're away (I was wondering if + could)
  2. pick me up from the airport on Friday (I was wondering if + could)
  3. borrow your car (I was wondering if + could)
  4. return my library book (I was wondering if + could)
  5. loan me your laptop (would you mind)
  6. tum down the music (would you mind)
  7. pick up my clothes from the dry cleaners (would you mind)
  8. show me how to design a website (could you)
  9. please let Jim know we're running late (could you)
  10. call the theater and reserve tickets (could you)

Language Lens - Polite Requests IDIOMS -

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