Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 6: Complaining at a Restaurant)

all set
→ not needing anything else
Example: When the waitress asked if we needed anything else, we told her we were all set.
(to) box up
→ to put leftover food from a restaurant in a container
Example: It looks like you've got a half a hamburger left. Would you like to box that up?
NOTE: In the USA, the trend is for restaurants to give customers a white container ("box") and have them put their own leftovers in it.
burnt to a crisp
→ completely burnt; very overcooked
Example: Joe put the hamburgers on the grill and then forgot about them for an hour - no wonder they're burnt to a crisp!
Can I interest you in dessert?
→ Would you like to order dessert?
Example: When the waitress asked, "Can I interest you in dessert?" I replied, "Yes, we'll take a look at the dessert menu."
doggy bag
→ a bag or container to take home food that a customer could not finish at a restaurant
Example: This salad was huge. I'm going to need a doggy bag.
→ food that is not eaten at a meal; extra food that is eaten later
Example: After our big Thanksgiving dinner, we had leftovers for three days. We were all sick of eating turkey by then!
(to) lose one's appetite
→ to not want to eat any more due to a bad experience
Example: After finding a hair in her soup, Andrea lost her appetite.
medium rare
→ cooked just past the raw stage
Example: This steak is overcooked. I ordered it medium rare, but it's brown in the middle.
pet peeve
→ an annoyance; a particular thing that bothers someone more than the average person
Example: Paul hates it when people talk on their cell phones while driving. That's his pet peeve.
round of drinks
→ drinks for a whole group
Example: Ed offered to buy all of his friends at the bar a round of drinks.
→ to be completely full
Example: After eating five pieces of fried chicken each, we were all too stuffed to eat any dessert.
(to) turn down the music
→ to lower the volume of the music
Example: I can't hear you. Can you please turn down the music?
(to) work on
→ to eat; to finish eating
Example: When the waitress asked me if I was finished with my lobster, I said, "No, I'm still working on it."
(to) wrap up
→ to put in a container or box (to take home)
Example: Sue didn't finish her meal so she asked the waiter to wrap it up.
You bet
→ yes; no problem
Example: "If this DVD doesn't work in my DVD player, can I return it?" -"You bet."

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