Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe Speak English Around Town - (Lesson 7: Picking up the Tab at a Restaurant)

Fill in the blanks using the following expressions:

pick up the tab         went downhill            let's go Dutch          when hell freezes over       it's my treat

cheapskate          so-so               on me               leaves a lot to be desired              put out

Kara: I had a date last night with Steve, that guy I met online last week. We went to that new restaurant downtown, Zanzibar.
Leah: How was the restaurant?
Kara: It was (1)  . The appetizers were good, but my fish was lousy.
Leah: So what did you think of Steve?
Kara: Things were going okay, until the bill came. Then things (2)  . When the bill came, he suddenly seemed (3)  .
Leah: Why? He's not used to getting a bill at a restaurant?!
Kara: He looked at it and then said," (4 )  ."
Leah: He made you pay for your own meal? What a ( 5)  !
Kara: So I told him, "No, dinner is ( 6)  . "
Leah: You're kidding? You offered to (7)  ?
Kara: Yes, I offered and he accepted.
Leah: Wow! Such cheap behavior (8)  .
Kara: At the end of the evening, he did say, "Next time we go out, (9)  ."
Leah: And when will you be going out with him again?
Kara: (10)  !


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