Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 01: Daily Life)

Read the information about the daily routine of a student at a UK university. Complete the text using the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 

Dan usually 1 (get up) at Sam, 2 a shower and 3 (eat) breakfast. After that, he always 4 (get) his books ready and then 5 (go) to his lectures until midday. He usually 6 (return) home and  7   (make) lunch for himself at about 12:30pm. Then, he sometimes 8 (watch) a bit of TV. At about 3pm, he often 9 (meet) a friend for coffee. At 3:30pm, they sometimes 10 (go) to the library together. Dan always 11 (study) for a few hours and then at around 6:30pm he 12 (go) home. He usually 13 (cook) dinner for him-self and his flat mates.
In the evening, he sometimes 14 (exercise) at the gym or goes for a run. After that, he relaxes in front of the TV or 15 (see) his friends. He never goes to bed early, but usually 16 (fall) asleep at
around midnight.

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