Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 03: Hobbies, Leisure And Entertainment)

Read the conversations. Then, complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct form.    

A: Hi, Gabby. What (you/do) at the moment?  Do (want) to go outsomewhere? 
B: I can't, sorry. I (watch) a football match on TV. My team usually (play) really well but they (lose) very badly today!
A: Oh, no! Maybe another time then.

A: Tom, I (wait) for you outside the cinema. Where are you?
B: I'm sorry, I'm still on the bus. It's terrible - this bus never  (arrive) on time.
A: Oh, OK. See you soon.

A: Hi, Jane. Sam (not answer) my calls today. Is there something the matter with him?
B: No, he's fine. It's just that he's got a French exam next week, so he (study) at the moment.

A: How usually (you/get) to college Chris?
B: I (walk). It (not take) long. What about you?
A: My Dad usually (drive) me there but he   (work) today.
B: Well, let's walk together.

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