Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 04: Travel And Holidays)

Look again at Simon’s email. In the table below, tick the features in his email that he uses.

Hi Tony,
I ______ (go) to Madrid for my last holiday - it ______ (be) great! On the first day, I ______ (visit) some of the famous sights here including the Prado museum and the Royal Palace. It is different to my usual holidays. Normally, I ______ (go) to hot places and relax on the beach. At the moment, it's the opposite and it is quite cold here. On my second day, I ______ (go) shopping and ______ (buy) some souvenirs. That night it ______ (be) really interesting because I ______ (eat) in a labelish restaurant. I usually ______ (not try) new food when I go on holiday, but I am very happy that I ______ (do) this time. I ______ (try) a traditional meal of soup, vegetables and meat. It ______ (be) delicious. It ______ (be) only a short holiday, but I really enjoyed it.
I ______ (take) lots of photos. What ______ (do) you do on your holiday?
Where ______ (do) you go?


☑ ?

1. He uses a greeting to start the email.
2. He says where he went on holiday.
3. He says how he travelled there.
4. He says how long he stayed.
5. He says what he did on holiday.
6. He says what he usually does on holiday.
7. He asks about his friend’s last holiday.
8. He asks about his friend’s next holiday.
9. He finishes with his name at the end.

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