Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 06: Transport And Places In Town)

Read the signs and messages again in Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

The options all contain similar words, and they all use words from the notice. You need to pay close attention to the main idea of the notice, and find the option that matches that meaning.
Always read the question carefully to see which option is correct. There is information in the message about where and when they will play football, but this was not why Henry wrote the message.
1.    What does the supermarket notice say?

2.    Why did Harry write this message?

3.    What is the notice telling passengers?

4.    What doesLee suggest?

5.    What does George say?

6.    What are train passengers told at the station?

7.    What should Alice do?

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