Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 06: Transport And Places In Town)

21. Before you write your email, plan your answer. Make notes on each question Sandy asks. Think about the vocabulary and grammar you can use.

22. Now, write your email.

You can begin like this:

Hi Sandy,
I’m really pleased you’re coming to visit my country. The first place you should visit is .....

Useful linkers to include
if        so        because     after that

Model answer.

Hi Sandy,
I’m really pleased you’re coming to visit my country. The first place you should visit is London. It’s one of the most famous cities in the world. It has fantastic museums and parks and is perfect if you like shopping. The buses and the underground are the best ways to travel.
After that you should go to the Lake District. I think this is the most beautiful part of England. It has the highest mountains in the country and the largest and deepest lakes. You can get there by train and then use the buses to get around.
Best wishes,

23. Compare your email with your partner. Help each other to correct any mistakes with comparative and superlative adjectives and check spelling and punctuation. Give each other suggestions on how to improve your emails.

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