Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 06: Transport And Places In Town)

Complete the sentences using the adjectives in brackets.

1. I think trains are (safe) and (fast) than cars.
2. The traffic is usually (bad) in the city than in the countryside.
3. In London, the bus is (cheap) than the trains.
4. The main square is (old) than any other parts of the town.
5. My old house was (big) than the one I live in now.
6. I live far from college sol have to get up (early) than my friends.
7. Our garden always looks (pretty) in summer than in winter.
8. My friend has lost weight and is much (thin) than last year.
9. It is (good) for your health to cycle to work than get the bus.
10. Jon lives (far) away from me than Pete.

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