Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Foundation (Unit 09: Language)

Complete the conversation using the words in the box.

time advantage skills advice effort progress fun work
Susan  My brother says he won’t be able to pass his English exam, so he’s not going to make an .
George  Well, that’s not a surprise. He never does any .
Susan  I tried to give him some , but he didn’t take it. He only wants to have , he doesn’t care about studying.
George  I did, too. I told him that it takes along to learn a language, and it's hard work.
Susan  He watches films in English and does look up what the actors are saying on the internet.
George  That’s a good start. He should also practise his speaking as well as listening.
Susan  Exactly. It’s more difficult to make any if you don’t speak.
George  He also has a big because your dad is an English teacher! Maybe you can encourage him to try more.

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