Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 06: Leisure Time)

In this type of task you have to choose words to complete a summary of the text, or part of the text.
Sometimes the instructions tell you to choose words from the passage to fill the gaps.
Sometimes you are given words in a box and you have to choose the correct ones. Not all the words in the box will be needed.

In the task below you have to fill the gaps by choosing words from the box. Look at gap 1 and follow the steps in the example. Then complete gaps 2-6.

Notice that gap 1 is followed by an adjective (new) and a noun (sports).
This tells you that the word you need could be an adverb or an adjective.
There are adjectives in the box, but no adverbs.
The adjectives are boring and strange.
A writer is unlikely to suggest boring sports.
The answer is strange. This matches what the text says.

Complete the summary using the list of words A-L below.

If you have had enough of the ordinary sports people play, you can try a number of new sports. Some of these were created when people two well-known sports. Sometimes they added a from the part of the world where they live. Bossaball is an example of this. It takes volleyball and football, adds a trampoline and some Brazilian martial arts.
Buzkashi, a sport from Afghanistan, is played on and uses a dead goat instead of a ball! People in Afghanistan would like this sport to become international. Chess boxing is a sport where you need to rapidly from one type of activity to another. You need to be and also fit. It is becoming more and more popular and now holds world championships.
A. boring
G. mixed
B. change
H. moving
C. clever
I. serious
D. feature
J. sport
E. horses
K. strange
F. join
L. trampolines

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