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Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 07: Fame And The Media)

Read the passage and answer the questions below.

Like people, animals each have their own personality and talents. And like some people, some animals achieve fame. Some of them become famous through films, TV or advertisements, and others through their work, for example rescuing people or playing a role in a war. Still others have done something special or been the first to do something.

There have been many famous dogs in history. One of them is Hachiko, a dog remembered for his loyalty to his owner. Hachiko was born in Japan in 1923 and was owned by Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo University. Every day, Hachiko waited for Ueno at Shibuya station and the pair walked home together. One day in May 1925, Ueno died suddenly while he was at work. For the next nine years, nine months and 15 days, his faithful dog continued to meet the train his owner used to take every day. At first the station staff did not welcome him, but gradually people understood his loyalty and began giving him food and treats. Hachiko did not stop waiting for Ueno until his own death in 1935. There have been films and books about Hachiko, and every year there is a ceremony to commemorate him at the railway station in Tokyo, where he waited so faithfully.

One animal that achieved fame in the twenty-first century is Knut the polar bear. Knut was born in Berlin Zoo in December 2006. Sadly, Knut was rejected by his mother, Tosca, and was raised by zookeepers. Knut was extremely popular with the public, not only in Germany, but across the world. Knut's story increased attendance at the zoo by about 30% and increased the zoo's revenue by five million euros. The zoo made substantial amounts of money by selling Knut toys, candy and other products. There were even songs written about him. By the time he was a year old, Knut weighed almost 100 kg and it was too dangerous for him to be handled by humans. Poor Knut missed his favourite keeper. Knut suffered in his short life without his mother, and later without human contact. He died of a virus at the age of four.

Even some wild animals have become famous. One of them is Elsa the lioness, born in 1956. Elsa's mother was killed by a game warden, a person whose job it was to protect wild animals. The warden, George Adamson, had killed the lioness to defend himself, but he felt guilty about the orphaned cubs. He and his wife, Joy, took them home and brought them up. They trained Elsa, one of the cubs, to live in the wild. During her adult life in the wild, she had three cubs and took them to visit her human foster parents. Joy Adamson told Elsa's story in a book called Born Free. Born Free was made into a film, which was popular with both adults and children. In 1984, the actors who had starred in the film started the Born Free Foundation, an organisation that protects wildlife in many ways. The Foundation's important work includes improving conditions in zoos and circuses, stopping hunting for 'sport' and working against the killing of elephants for ivory.

Many of us enjoy learning about famous animals. They can inspire us with their characters and stories, just as human celebrities can. Some of them are remembered for years through books, films, toys and other items created in their memory. But in the end, it is humans and not the animals themselves who benefit from that fame.

Questions 1-7

Choose the correct animal (A-C) for each question. You may choose any animal more than once. Which animal ...

A. Hachiko  B. Knut  C. Elsa

1. never forgot their human friend?

2. lived part of their life in the wild?.

3. made large profits for the humans who cared for them?

4. was not wanted by their parent?

5. has had valuable work done in their memory?

6. is formally remembered at regular times?

7. had souvenirs of them made?

Questions 8-16

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in the reading passage? Write

YES   if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NO    if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN   if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

8. All animals are very much the same.

9. There are many different reasons why animals might be remembered.

10. Ueno died after a long illness.

11. After some time, the people who worked at the railway station were kind to Hachiko.

12. The songs written about Knut were very popular.

13. Knut had a happy life because of his fame.

14. The Adamsons made money from Elsa.

15. The Born Free Foundation does useful work.

16. Famous animals get many advantages from their fame.

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