Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 08: Natural World)

11. Read the essay title. How would you organise this essay? What ideas do you have for this topic?

Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What causes global warming? What solutions are there to this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

12. Read a student's plan for this essay.

Paragraph 1 - Introduction

  • Definition of global warming: increasing temperatures due to air pollution (climate change)
  • Plan of essay: causes/solutions

Paragraph 2 - Causes

  • Cutting down trees (e.g. due to population growth)
  • Burning fossil fuels (cars, power stations, factories)
  • Using too much electricity (computers, TV, lights)

Paragraph 2 - Solutions

  • Renewable energy (solar, wind)
  • Manage the rainforests (less cutting, more planting)
  • Transport solutions (share cars, use public transport)

Paragraph 4 - Conclusion

  • Summarise causes and solutions
  • Recommendation: we can all try to be more 'green

Make sure your answers to two-part questions are balanced. Don't spend too much time on one part so that you don't develop the other.

Write the essay in full, following the advice in the box.

  • Give examples to support your ideas.
  • Use linking expressions.
  • Refer back to the main points of the essay in the conclusion.
  • Use phrases such as 'in conclusion' or 'to conclude' for the final paragraph.
  • Don't introduce any new points in the conclusion.
  • In your last sentence, suggest what should happen in the future.

Sample answer

Global warming, also known as climate change, is the rising of temperatures all over the world because of human activity. In this essay I will explain the main causes of global warming and also suggest some solutions.

The earth's temperature is rising due to greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, which get stuck in the air.One major cause is the increase in air pollution from burning fossil fuels like coal in factories and power stations.As the population grows, more energy is being used. Also, nowadays everyone owns several devices, such as computers, tablets and phones. These have to be charged every day.

Another major problem is cutting down trees. Trees use carbon dioxide and release oxygen so we need a lot of them. People have cut down trees to use the wood for different purposes.

Although global warming is a major problem, there are some solutions. One of these is to use clean or renewable energy sources. For instance, solar power uses the sun to generate energy; we can also use the power of the wind and waves instead of fossil fuels. We need to protect the rainforests. For every tree that is cut down we need to plant a new tree. We can all help in different ways. One of them is to use public transport when possible and only have one car per family.
To sum up, humans have created the problem of global warming. Therefore, humans must also try to solve the problem. We can all try to live a 'green' lifestyle by saving electricity and not buying things we don't need. (267 words)

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