Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 1 (Unit 08: Natural World)

In Part 3 of the Speaking test the examiner will ask you some questions about the topic in Part 2. They will be questions which require you to think. For example you might be asked for your opinion, or for ideas, solutions to problems or for an explanation about why something happens.

Listen for key words. You must always answer the question the examiner asks you. You will lose marks if you talk about the topic without answering the question. So you must listen carefully to the question and then begin your answer in an appropriate way.

05. Read the Part 3 questions 1-4 on the topic of animals and match them with the beginning ofsome students' responses a-d.

1. What can governments do to prevent illegal hunting?

2. Should the government provide more money for zoos?

3. How might we be able to protect wildlife in the future?

4. Is there any difference in how children learn about wildlife now than in the past?

a. They definitely should. It seems to me that ...

b. There are two things X can do.The first is ...

c. There's a big difference, I think. In the past, we ...

d. Well, in the future, it might be a good idea to ...

Listen and check

06. Answer the questions 1-4 in exercise 5 with a partner, using the sentence beginnings to start your answer.

Don't always use I think .... It's good to learn some other phrases such as I feel ... , I believe ... , it seems to me that ...

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