Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 03: The News And Media)

  • match information in a question with information in a text
  • skim a text to identify types of information
  • recognise the passive.

01. Read these quotes, which give different opinions about how news is consumed.

Since the birth of the internet, access to local and world news has become possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is having an increasingly negative impact on society, and consequently we have all become news addicts!

SARAH (35)

Adults aged 60+ buy a daily newspaper as a matter of habit. Generally, they don't know how to access news online.

MATT (18)

Youngsters these days aren't interested in the news and spend most of their time on social media sites. They don't buy a newspaper or watch a regular TV bulletin. The only news they might be interested in is entertainment news.


I would only use social media sites to check entertainment news. I wouldn't trust it for any serious news, such as crime or politics. For those topics, I'd only rely on television bulletins.

MARY (25)

In the Reading test, you may be asked to match information in the question with information in the text. However, the texts will be longer (between 750 and 950 words) and you will need to match the question to a paragraph.

02. Match statements 1-4 with quotes A-D.

1. Continual exposure to the news is bad for us.

2. As a news source, there is more confidence in television than in the internet.

3. Teenagers are only interested in news about actors and pop stars.

4. The older generation don't know how to read the news using the internet.

03. Look at the quotes again and, with a partner, discuss whether you agree or disagree with each speaker.

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