Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 03: The News And Media)

10.  Look at extracts 1-4 from the text. Match a tense from the box with each extract. 

past simple passive
present perfect passive
present continuous passive
present simple passive

1. ... social media is used for breaking news ...

2. ... it was also revealed ...

3. ... social networks are being used selectively ...

4. ... there has been growing concern by researchers ... 

11.  Why has the writer chosen to use the passive rather than the active in these extracts? 

The passive is commonly used in formal writing. Also, in sentences1-3, the agent is not important (e.g. in sentence1 we are not interested in who uses social media to break news). 

12.  Complete headlines 1-4 with the verb in brackets in one of these passive forms. 

past simple  present continuous  present perfect  present simple

1. Holidays are ruined (ruin) by air strikes.

2. The launch of London's night tube (delay) until further notice.

3. The victims of the air disaster (name) earlier this morning.

4. A new medicine to help fight cancer (develop) in Cambridge at the moment.

13.  Read these news headlines written in the active, then change them to the passive. 

1. People blame all the wet weather on climate change.

Climate change

2. Police found the Hollywood actor unconscious in his Manhattan apartment.

The Hollywood actor

3. Researchers have recovered treasure from a sunken Spanish ship.


4. Today, the public are celebrating a royal wedding.

A royal wedding  

14.  Answer these questions using what you have learnt in this lesson.

1. What should you read carefully before starting a matching information task?

2. Are you looking for matching words or synonyms?

3. Do the answers follow the same order as the text?

4. Can the same letter be used more than once?

5. Do all paragraphs need to be used?

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