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Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 06: The Natural Environment)

Part 2 of the Speaking test asks you to describe something, for example a place in your country. Remember that questions in Part 3 could ask you to do some (or all) of the functions in the box in exercise 12.

12. Match questions 1-5 with a function from the box.

assess compare explain predict suggest

1. So, what do you think will happen to the environment in the future?

2. What can governments do to help the environment?

3. Is there any difference between environmental issues now and those in the past?

4. Have schools done enough to inform children about environmental problems?

5. Why have private businesses not done more to help the environment?

Questions in Speaking Part 3 ask you about society as a whole, rather than you and your personal experience.

13. Read this transcript of a student answering a Speaking Part 3 question. Write the correct function from the box in the gaps before each phrase. Some functions can be used more than once.

How can we do more to protect the environment?

Well, that's a tough question. In the past, we didn’t know much about the effect we were having on the environment as we didn’t
have access to much scientific knowledge back then, whereas now we know much more about the world and how it works and this knowledge has been so useful in helping us to protect the environment. The science has improved, sol think that we might start to discover new ways to reduce pollution in the future thatare much better than those we have at the moment. Perhaps the government could spend more money on promoting environmental responsibility to companies, although it is by no means certain this will have the desired effect.

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