Another significant difference between university and high school is the size of the campus. A university campus is much bigger and is often spread around a city, meaning that sometimes you have to walk to different areas of the city to attend lectures. Usually, however, each faculty is located in a building with classrooms and lecture halls close by.
The main student facilities tend to be in just one area. Universities have a variety of services to offer students, from areas for sport and relaxation, to places for quiet study.
I do most of my assignments in the university library, situated next to residential services and just behind the finance office. When I have finished, I like to relax, by going either to the gym or the students' union. Conveniently, both are close by, near student services. The students' union is a great place to have something to eat or drink and socialise with friends.
The university also offers help in finding a job. Advice is given by the careers centre, which is just behind the medical centre. Generally, though, if you need any advice on where to find things, just go to the main reception, in front of the finance office.
It's called a typewriter because you are able to write on the page with pieces of type. The metal bars have letters on them, which allow you to write on paper neatly.
So how does it work? First, you need to press down on one of the keys and the lever* makes another lever called the type hammer move up towards the paper. The type hammer has the metal bar with the letters attached to it at the end. Just before the letter hits the paper a piece of cloth with ink on it called the ribbon moves upwards between the type and the paper. The letter then appears in ink on the piece of paper.
When you take your finger off the key, a spring makes the hammer move back to where it was before. At the same time, the carriage, which is the cylinder-shaped part at the top where the paper is held, moves to the left. You can therefore continue to write the word that you want. When the carriage gets to the end of a line you hear a bell. When you hear the bell, you press the carriage return lever on the left-hand side of the typewriter, which moves the paper up, so that you can continue writing on a new line.