Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 08: Festivals And Traditions)

09. Read statements a and b and answer the questions which follow.

a. If I have the time this weekend, I will come to the Dragon Boat Festival with you.
b. If I could attend any festival in the world, it would be the carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

1. In which statement does the speaker believe that attending the festival is unlikely to happen?

2. In which statement does the speaker believe that attending the festival may happen?

3. Label each statement as either the first or second conditional.

a: b:

4. Using the examples, complete these rules with these words: past simple, present simple, infinitive, would.


If+ , ... will+

If+ , ... +infinitive

10. Complete the sentences with suitable verbs, using either the first or second conditional form.

1. If you to the festival in town tomorrow, there crowds of people. You did say you were going.

2. If I the time, I to more festivals. I am just too busy with other things.

3. If I the time, I bake a cake for the party. I should be able to do it this evening.

4. If I enough money, I celebrate New Year in Australia. I just don't have the money at the moment.

5. If he this fancy dress costume this afternoon, he be very hot in this summer heat.

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