Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 08: Festivals And Traditions)

  • identify and approach a 'problems and solutions' essay question
  • plan and write an essay answering both parts of the question
  • write a suitable introduction and conclusion
  • revise past, present and future tenses.
In the Writing test, you may be asked to write a 'problems and solutions' essay using statements similar to those in the lead-in.

01. Discuss these statements with a partner. Can you suggest solutions to any of these problems?

1. Formal celebrations can make some people nervous.

2. Nowadays many children do not fully appreciate the presents they are given.

3. Celebrations such as birthdays or New Year can make some people feel lonelier than usual.

4. Some people believe it is too expensive to get married these days.

5. Some celebrations have become too much about money and the reasons behind them have been forgotten.

02. Look at the pairs of sentences. Each pair includes a sentence with good advice and a sentence with bad advice, based on mistakes often made by students. For each sentence, select the good advice or bad advice column.


Good advice

Bad advice

1a. Planning is not necessary for this type of question.
1b. Planning is particularly important for this task.
2a. Discuss only two or three problems/solutions in detail.
2b. Include as many problems/solutions as you can.
3a. Read and analyse the question very carefully.
3b. Skim read the question and base your answer on the key words.
4a. A solution does not need to be given for every problem you mention.
4b. Each problem mentioned should have a solution.
5a. Your answer must have a clear structure.
5b. Structure is not necessary for this task.

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