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Mindset for IELTS - Level 2 (Unit 08: Festivals And Traditions)

'Problem and solution' essay questions may not always be phrased in the same way. Study these examples and answer the questions which follow.

In the modern world, spending money is a major focus of many of our celebrations and the meaning behind these events has become less important.
Suggest measures which could be taken to solve this problem.

Spending too much money on gifts has led to numerous problems and the true meaning of many celebrations has less importance these days.
Identify these problems and suggest ways in which these issues might be tackled.

Nowadays most people pay little attention to the real meaning of many celebrations, due to a growing focus on spending money on gifts.
What are the negative aspects of this and what can be done to minimise the bad effects?

Focusing on spending money during times of celebration is a significant problem and many people pay little attention to the true meaning of these events.
What are the reasons for this and how could these problems be solved?

1. What other ways are there of saying what solutions can you suggest?

2. What other ways are there of saying problems?

3. Which of these essay questions requires a different kind of answer?

The essay:


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