The table shows the number 0f deep coal mines in the UK between 1913 and 2015.0bviously,there is a decline over the period. We can say that coal mines almost disappeared and there were only 5 left in 2015.
In 1913, there were 3024 deep coal mines but this number began to decrease. The number of mines fell sharply and consistently over the subsequent years. Nevertheless, in 1943 there were 1690 mines left. This means that in a period of thirty years, the number of mines had almost halved. By 1963, this figure had virtually halved again.
Surprisingly, in the 19805 we see another huge reduction, with the number falling to around 20% of 1963 levels. By the time the current century began, there had been another decrease. In 2003, the number of deep mines producing coal dropped to 20. At last, we see that there are only 5 mines left.
In conclusion, there was a decreasing trend in mining in Britain for the duration of the period shown in the chart.