Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 06: Science And Technology)

if you only write short, simple sentences in an IELTS essay you will not achieve a high score in GRA, even if there are no mistakes at all. To score well, you will need to show that you can correctly write more complex sentences. Complex sentences are typically ones that combine two or more sentences or clauses into one, often using grammatical or discourse markers. In Unit 8 you will see how relative clauses can create more complex sentences, but here we will look at the correct use of contrast discourse markers and participle clauses.

05. Read the first half of another candidate's essay based on the question in exercise 4. Find the two sentences in the second paragraph that use discourse markers of contrast/concession.

First introduced to the internet around twenty years ago, social media has since gone from strength to strength. Many critics have suggested that it is affecting the closeness of family relationships, arguing that people spend too much time staring at screens rather than actually talking to each other. I believe that it brings more advantages than disadvantages to our lives.

One of the main reasons why social media has had such an effect is that it does not require a great deal of effort or planning to connect with friends and family. In the past, people were able to talk to each other on the phone, but they had to make sure that they were both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time. Another reason is that it fulfils our basic need for human contact, even between people who are on the other side of the world to each other. Despite the fact that people need to communicate regularly with their loved ones in order to be happy, it appears that physical contact is not as vital as once thought. Evidence suggests that contentment in relationships can actually be achieved through social media.

06. Which of the phrases below are grammatically correct paraphrases of the underlined part of this sentence from paragraph 2?


in order to be happy, it appears that physical contact is not as vital as once thought.

1. Despite people needing to communicate regularly with their loved ones ...
2. Despite people need to communicate regularly with their loved ones ...
3. Despite people's need to communicate regularly with their loved ones ...

07. In which of the options (1-3) in exercise 6 can the word Despite be replaced with Although to form a grammatically correct sentence?

08. Read the sentence, which is taken from the essay in exercise 5. Then look at sentences 1-4 below, which are paraphrases of it. Decide if they are grammatically correct and, if not, make any changes so that they are.

In the past, people were able to talk to each other on the phone, but they had to make sure that theywere both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time.

1. In the past, although people were able to talk to each other on the phone, but they had to make sure that they were both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time.

2. In the past, although the ability to talk to each other on the phone, people had to make sure that they were both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time.

3. In the past, despite able to talk to each other on the phone, people had to make sure that they were both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time.

4. In the past, although able to talk to each other on the phone, people had to make sure that they were both at home to make or answer the call at an agreed time.

09. Write complete sentences using despite or although.

1. wi-fi technology is cheaper than ever/ certain parts of the world still have no internet access

2. Virtual Reality headsets are now available to buy/ most home computers lack the processing power to make them worthwhile

3. it is extremely important to learn science at school/ some students are better suited to studying arts subjects

4. space exploration receives a limited amount of government funding worldwide/ it has uncovered a huge amount of information about the way the universe works

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