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Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 06: Science And Technology)

In the Speaking test, you will not lose credit if the examiner asks you a question and you don't immediately know what to say for an answer (this is more likely to happen in Part 3 than in Part 1). However, you wilt lose credit if it appears that you are having trouble thinking of how to say something, i.e. if you cannot find the right words. It is quite possible to pause for a moment to consider your response, but it is far better to use one of the following strategies/phrases to buy yourself some thinking time.

12. For this Part 3 question, which of the strategies (A-C) in the box below does each candidate (1-8) use to buy themselves some thinking time?

Examiner How important is it for students to study science at school?

1. Hm. Are science subjects an integral part of study at school? I'm not sure that they are. For one thing ...

2. Um, I'm not sure. Are you asking if science should be compulsory for all students, whatever year they are in at school? Or if science is just something we all need some degree of basic knowledge in?

3. Well, I don't think there's one, clear-cut answer to that. It really depends on the individual. By that I mean ...

4. I couldn't say for certain one way or another.

5. Do students need to study science at school? Perhaps, yes ...

6. As in, science should be studied at the expense of all other subjects?

7. That's a good question. Well, I suppose ...

8. By that do you mean, is science one of the main subjects that should be taught at school?

A. Asking the examiner to clarify the question
B. Paraphrasing the question
C. Explaining.that the question is not a simple one to answer

13. Examiner With technology in the home, what sort of dangers do people need to look out for?

1. That's quite a trick question to answer. Let me think ...

2. I don't really know how to answer that. It's never crossed over my mind before.

3. I'm not entirely sure what you're running at. Can you rephrase the question, please?

4. Sorry, I don't quite chase your question. Do you mean with appliances, like kettles, or something like internet security?

5. You know, I'd usually be able to answer that question immediately, but my mind has gone clear.






14. Which of the three strategies do the sentences in exercise 13 belong to?

1.    2.    3.    4.    5.

A. Asking the examiner to clarify the question
B. Paraphrasing the question
C. Explaining that the question is not a simple one to answer

15. With a partner, follow these instructions and practise buying yourself some thinking time in Part 3 of the Speaking test.

  • Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions below.
  • At the same time as you ask a question, you should point to one of the three strategies in exercise 14. Your partner should use this strategy to begin their answer.
  • When it is your turn to answer, your partner will point to one of the strategies; you should use this strategy to begin your answer.

1. Are people getting lazier as a result of technology?
2. What will computers be able to do in the future?
3. Why are some scientists world famous while so many others are unknown?
4. Why do some people refuse to own a smartphone?
5. Is it possible that people rely too much on science for their knowledge and understanding of the world?

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