Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Mindset for IELTS - Level 3 (Unit 08: Culture)

The examiner has a list of questions to ask the candidate but may also add in follow-up questions which respond directly to what the candidate has said in order to clarify or better understand the candidate's answers

11. Listen to and read Part 3 of Luis's Speaking test in the Listening script and answer the questions.

1. How many sub-topics does the examiner ask Luis about?
2. What follow-up questions does the examiner ask in response to what Luis says?
Suggested Answer

12. Listen and read again. Then categorise the expressions in the box by their function.

Given this fact
in my view
The thing is
I wouldn't say so.
I mean
such as
Personally speaking
Take Spanish, for example.
That's a good question.
Let me think.
to some extent
it depends

Showing agreement / disagreement:

Giving examples:

Buying time:

Giving opinions:

Explaining/ Clarifying:

13. Work with a partner. Using the questions from all three parts of Luis's test, take turns to practise the test as candidate and examiner. Examiners should give feedback on the candidates' Fluency and Cohesion, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, lexical Resource, and Pronunciation.

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