Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep (Unit 1: iː (sheep))

Intonation is the voice going up or down.
This movement up or down begins on the most important word in a phrase or sentence.
In questions with 'or' the intonation usually goes down at the end.
a. Listen and repeat.
Would you like veal or beef?
Would you like coffee or tea?
Would you like coffee, tea, or milk?
b. Role play
Use the menu to practise a conversation in a group of four or five. You are in a restaurant. Take turns to be the waiter. Ask each other questions, e.g. Would you like or ...?Then one person gives the order to the waiter, who repeats the order to check it. If possible, also practise using other menus. If it is an expensive restaurant, the waiter or waitress can be more formal. saying Good evening before asking for the order.

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