Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep (Unit 42: θ (thin))

First practise the target sound /6/ in words from the dialogue below. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise.
three        thirsty        thank you        thousand        Thursday        author       Catherine        Samantha        nothing        something        mathematician       Ruth        Roth        worth        month        moth        moths
In this dialogue, each numbered line has a word that is especially important because of Ruth's strong response to what Catherine says. Read the dialogue and the most important word in each numbered line. Number 1 has been done as an example.

CATHERINE:    Samantha Roth is only thirty.

RUTH:             (1) Is she? I thought she was thirty-three.

CATHERINE:    Samantha's birthday was last Thursday.

RUTH:             (2) Was it? I thought it was last month.

CATHERINE:   The Roths' house is worth six hundred thousand.

RUTH:             (3) Is it? I thought it was worth three hundred thousand.

CATHERINE:   Ross Roth is the author of a book about moths.

RUTH:             (4) Is he? I thought he was a mathematician.

CATHERINE:    I'm so thirsty.

RUTH:             (5) Are you? I thought you drank something at the Roth's.

CATHERINE:    No. Samantha gave me nothing to drink.

RUTH:             (6) Shall I buy you a drink?

CATHERINE:    Thank you.

1.            2.            3.
4.            5.            6.

Check your answers by listening to the dialogue. Notice that the especially important words are much LOUDer and s l o w er, and the intonation goes up.

Practise reading the dialogue aloud. Record your voice to compare your production of the intonation and the target sound with the recording.

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