Ship Or Sheep (Unit 8: ɒ (clock))
Sentence stress
The most important words for the meaning of a sentence are spoken with a strong stress. Listen to the minimal pair sentences again and match them with the sentence stress patterns below. The big circles are the strong syllables and the small circles are the weak syllables.EXAMPLE
oOOo (Pair 1) It's hat weather. / It's hot weather.
a) OooO b) oooOO c) ooOoO d) OoOOo e) OoooO
Pair 2: He’s got a white cat. / He’s got a white cot. (b)
Pair 3: Look for the fax./Look for the fox. (a)
Pair 4: Put it in a sack./Put it in a sock. (e)
Pair 5: Turn that tap slowly./Turn that top slowly. (d)
Pair 6: I can see their backs./I can see their box. (c)