Easy Word | Luyện IELTS

Ship Or Sheep - Unit 11: uː (boot)

- I'm full of good food.
- Such beautiful puddings!
- But too much sugar ...
- I had a huge serving of chocolate mousse with stewed fruit.
- I had the blueberry soufflé and the rhubarb strudel.
- I was very foolish. I had two servings of gooseberry fool.
- What a fool you are!
(Note: fool has two meanings: 1 a stupid person; 2 mousse, souffle, strudel and fool are desserts)
a. First practise the sound /ʊ/ (see Unit 10). Listen and repeat.
b. Put your tongue up and back a little more to make the long target sound /u:/. Listen and repeat.
c. Listen and repeat both sounds together, /ʊ/ is short, /u:/ is long.

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